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Sponsor a Class

 Just $5 educates one student. We fund our own work through product sales, raffles, donor drives, and business partnerships.

Partner with us with a tax deductible donation to directly educate Macon teens and have your business advertised upon request based on your plan 



 $1,200 - Full School Sponsor
$600 - Half School Sponsor

$240 - TWO class Sponsor
$120 - Full Class Sponsor
$60 - Half Class Sponsor


Become a sponsor through Mercer Giving:


1. Choose gift type and amount 

2. Choose “Other Fund” in the fund for gift

3. Use the remark field to indicate “Traffick Jam” 




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Visit our DONATE tab to learn more.

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© 2022 by TRAFFICK JAM. Sponsored by Mercer University Students.

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